Top: Old Navy. Other Top: Old Navy
This it Saturday's outfit, it's a little boring, but I just threw on clothes because I had to, so mainly it's just the first thing I saw in my closet, and said "Today, as long as it looks good together it's fine." that was before I realized it was a beautiful overcast day, and got super excited. so it's been a good day so far, but it is me so ten bucks says that I'll probably have to do something I really don't want to do......oh right, I forgot that today my little sister, or "the leach" as she is known in my house, wants me to go swimming with her, and wouldn't leave me alone until I promised to go with her, so really quickly I'll say:

Red top: Target
Tan over-top-thing: rummage sale
Tan over-top-thing: rummage sale
Skirt: Target
Shoes: Target