Quick post here because it's super late. I bought a new jacket, though it's not actually leather, so I thought I'd share it. Pretty uneventful day but it just felt long. Do you ever have those days? Anyway I got this jacket at Target, and I absolutely love it, it's just perfect. I've wanted one like this for so long, but they never seem to look good on me. I really liked it with this dress I borrowed from my sister, who's traveling the world at the moment, and this is the first time I've worn these legwarmers, so that made a nice change. It's finally starting to cool down so hopefully it will stay that way, we got really miserable in the middle of August, and then there was hope with some flash floods(one of which I walked across town with lunch, and no sweater, jacket or umbrella in. True story!), but it heated up soon after that. Now as we delve into the second week of October it has started to cool a bit more. Which means that my idea that if I dress like it's Autumn then California would get it's shiz together was not a silly plan after all. Anyway I am looking forward to Autumn more and more, and then
Carrie Fletcher went and made the most amazing series, and I almost cried, because it was eighty degrees when I saw them. I love Autumn, It's my favourite time of the year. So pretty, and calm. Well I told myself I'd keep it short on a work night, and I'll stick with that. Hopefully I'll post soon. Love to all! ~Delaney
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