*Warning I talk about my experience at a blood drive in paragraph 5*
Whew! It has been a long first week of December. I volunteer with my church teaching preschoolers, and Sunday was a bit of a crazy one. As any teacher or parent knows there are some days where little ones are just not going to focus. I had one of those days yesterday. The morning started off well, they all seemed to be playing fine during check in, until two boys started fighting over a car ('they're four' I remind myself) so we have some talks and get some new toys out to share, and it seems fine, it even gets nice and quiet for a while, some kids are coloring, others are playing, they clean up very well when it's time to start the bible story, I get them into a circle, and then oh my goodness it's time for 20 Questions.
Child 1: "What are we doing?"
Me: "It's time for our bible story. We're going to talk about Christmas."
Child 2: "I like Christmas! I've got my list done! Do you want to hear it?"
Me: "yes, but after the story."
Children 4, 5, & 6: "I want to tell you my Christmas list too!" *Simultaneously start talking about the things they want, oblivious to each other*.
Me: "That's great, but let's get back to the story."
Children 4, 5, & 6: *Unfazed* And a Power Ranger, and Paw Patrol..."
And it went on no matter how many times I did an attention grabber ("1 2 3 eyes on me", "put a bubble in your mouth", etc.). Finally they all felt that they had satisfactorily told me their entire Christmas lists, and we start the lesson a few minutes late, and just when we're about half way through, and they're actually paying attention: It's song time!
Our preschoolers are learning a Christmas song to sing at our Christmas Eve service, it's really a cute song, they've been practicing for a few weeks now and they're actually getting pretty good, but with the added craziness of the morning I was praying that our song leader would be a little bit late, if only a minute or two, and unfortunately she was not. But it ended up fine, our story ran a little bit late, and then they practiced their song, and it was time for coloring. And of course, they all calmly go and sit down to color, and play with toys, until parents pick them up. As if nothing that morning happened. In hindsight it was hilarious but I was both baffled and irritated at the time because the first half of the morning felt like an entire day in itself. But I guess that's the thing about kids, especially at this age, that I have to remember: their attention spans are incredibly short, and they learn in their own way. I talked with each one as they were being picked up about their morning, and they all seemed to remember the lesson and the song as if they had all been taking notes!
South Hills Corona |
After the service our church was hosting a Blood Drive to replenish hospitals in the Las Vegas area. After the attack in October, hospitals in the area have been low on blood supply, and so we wanted to help out. It was the first time I had participated in a blood drive and the first time I had a needle in me since infancy. I'm not one of those people who get really freaked out by medical stuff, or needles, but because I had never had an experience like it before (my family chooses not to vaccinate, and I've never had an injury where I've needed to go to the hospital) I was a little on edge. I'll spare you the details but I'm glad I did it. Another fear conquered, and one I didn't know I had. And hey if I ever finish that book about vampires, well then it's research.
After that I felt braver. It was something I had never done before and now I know I can do it. We went home and then out to pick up some Christmas trees. We went to
Greenspot Farms up in Mentone to get a Christmas tree. It was somewhere we had never been before and so we thought we'd check it out. It was a really cute place, that I would love to explore again. I was feeling really tired, as was to be expected, so I didn't get to explore as much as I normally like, so I didn't get a lot of pictures, but I'd love to go back and explore more thoroughly some other time. All of the buildings were these cute log cabins, and it was all decorated for the season! The farm does hayrides, they have a pumpkin patch, they have trees and wreaths, and a cute general store where they sell honey, maple syrup, decorations, and a bunch of other seasonal things. My siblings enjoyed seeing all the animals in the petting zoo they have, and just exploring the property. It was a really cute place to go, and I had no idea it even existed!
Greenspot Farms |
Tuesday was a really weird day at Remnant, the youth group I volunteer at with my church, we had about two or three Jr. High girls at our bible study, where we normally have about nine or ten. It was to be expected what with the holiday season, and finals, but it was still a good night, we've been going through a series on the kinds of storms we have in our lives, and what we can do to fight through them and grow from them. It's been a great series and last Tuesday got really good! It's been a really great opportunity to get to work with these girls and hopefully be the person in their lives that I wish I had at that age. I have some amazing girls there, and some equally amazing co-leaders.

And that's basically been my week! Last night we had a Christmas Party for all of the volunteers at South Hills Corona, and we got to look at how far our church has grown in the year, and have a bit of fun as well. There was food, and games, and a white elephant gift exchange and it ended up being a really fun night. Unfortunately I left my phone at home all day and so I have no photos.
This weekend I need to do some TLC on my bedroom and bathroom, and bathroom, as well as some Christmas present work (I've barely started!), before the month gets too crazy! I've got Ikea on Sunday, Remnant on Tuesday, St. Lucia Day is next Wednesday, my sister Grace is having a Ugly Sweater party the 20th, and somewhere in the midst of all of that I have to figure out what I'm doing for people for Christmas presents because I have
got to buy a car before next summer, and so I am trying to be more responsible with my spending.
Whew that was a long one! As promised I will have a few reviews coming up as soon as I finish reading the books, and I am planning to do a 2017 Wrap Up to my reading near the end of the month, though I may hold off and post it in the new year. Normally I am so anxious about the new year, especially when it comes to my reading goals but I am feeling really comfortable about the conclusion to this year, and the start of the next. I hope you are too!